August 30, 2021

Pharma IT featured in new book, 'Brænd hamsterhjulet'

Pharma IT featured in new book, 'Brænd hamsterhjulet'

Pharma IT was recently featured as a case study in a new book by Pernille Garde Abildgaard titled Burn the Hamster Wheel (Brænd Hamsterhjulet). The book highlights how companies can, and are, using modern techniques like 4-day work weeks and flexible leadership to help their employees take back time and achieve a more balanced work-life.

Our firm was one of four companies to be featured as pioneers in employee autonomy and boasting a flexible leadership style.

Charlotte Bech Fribert, partner at Pharma IT, was interviewed for the case study and describes how the trust we have in our employees has fostered an environment in which our consultants have complete control over adjusting their working hours and location to meet the specific needs of the project they are on, and their own preferences concerning how they work best.

Charlotte goes on to explain that: “As a business, you should set up a framework and goals for success, but it is our opinion that our employees are actually best at finding out the rest and that they prefer it that way!”

If you want to learn and read more about how you can create a happier, more balanced work-life, you can find Brænd Hamsterhjulet at local bookshops, or directly from the publisher, Frydenlund.

You can read the excerpt about Pharma IT (in Danish), below.

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Pharma IT provides highly experienced consultants within the pharma, biotech, and medical device industries